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Volunteers play important roles at the Preserve. In the gardens and on our natural lands there are many wonderful opportunities to learn, share, and be part of a group of passionate individuals. 

Lands & Trails Volunteer Crew


If you are excited to immerse yourself in nature, take in that fresh coastal air, get your hands dirty, and play a major part helping conservation efforts in an historic land preserve, this is your chance! Our volunteers assist in keeping the natural lands a safe and inviting place for visitors. Thank you for your dedication! 


The Preserve offers two types of trail volunteer opportunities. You can choose what works best for you.  


An email will be sent out to all volunteers a week prior to the project that will lay out the location, scope of projects, duration, meeting times, and any other useful information. 


If you have questions or would like to join our volunteer email list, please contact


We are looking forward to seeing you all out on the trails for an amazing season!


Adopt a Trail

As a volunteer you may “adopt” a section of trail. Perhaps it is a trail that you connect with, or one that you have never been on and are excited to explore. To adopt a Preserve trail means that you will frequent that trail and help maintain its character by keeping the corridor clear of obstacles by trimming back brush and removing trees, identifying and reporting hazards, and documenting any wildlife, plants of interest, and visitor use.


This may be a solo endeavor, or you may team up with fellow volunteers. If there is a trail that interests you specifically, please let us know.


Be a Trail Reporter

Another way to help use your volunteer energy this season is to be our eyes and ears on the trails and carriage roads and report things such as downed trees, damage to structures (bog bridges, etc.) and other pertinent trail observations. Every bit helps.


Please contact the Preserve at 207-276-3727 or if you need assistance locating the trails or want to make a report. Click here to view/download a copy of the Preserve trail map.


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