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How a grain of sand becomes 21 tons
What you’re looking for is Sugar Sand. No, we probably saw the last Sugar Sand here in 2017...
Archives: Pebble Point goes missing
Three grainy color slides from 1959 and a one-hour video clip...
As free as a bird around Little Long Pond
Once again, Preserve Land Steward Dave Ouellette shares a selection of photos...
Survey: tell us about your recent visit
If you have not taken our 2021 survey yet...
Experience the delights of a Preserve membership
Being a member of the Preserve has two fabulous benefits...
Planned Giving: “I’m booked!”
The optimism of George Burns can help you complete your estate plan...
Jobs at the Preserve
Check out several openings...
Music to my ears
The past fifteen months since this global pandemic started have tested us all in ways we never thought possible…
2021 Garden schedules
Our 2021 garden schedules
A personal welcome to our gardens
As you visit the gardens this season you may be warmly welcomed by one our garden greeters…
What we are looking forward to in the border gardens
I recently asked two of our lead gardeners what they were most excited about this season…
The fascinating survival strategies of caterpillars
For many predators, both vertebrate and invertebrate, caterpillars are tasty bundles of nutrition and are eagerly hunted…
Thuya Lodge partially re-opens this season
The complete Thuya Garden experience extends beyond the border garden…
Win a treasure in the Thuya raffle
Every year a raffle is held at the Thuya Garden to support projects and upkeep of the garden…
New life for old trails
If you walk through the woods, you do not leave much of a trail…
Birds galore at Little Long Pond
The trails and carriage roads at Little Long Pond are a magnet for those looking to get a bit of fresh air…
Don’t miss out, renew your membership today
The Preserve is incredibly grateful to all our members whose contributions keep our lands and gardens beautiful and accessible…
From the Preserve Archives: Charles Savage’s artistic vision for the gardens
Charles K. Savage, creator and original designer of both the Asticou Azalea Garden and Thuya Garden…
Tell us about your recent visit to the Preserve
The Preserve wants your experiences at our lands and gardens to be enjoyable and positive…
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