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Our 2020-2021 Biennial Report
Read about the highlights of the past two years at the Preserve...
Memorable moments of this past year
This is the time of year when we begin to look back at the highlights of the past year...
Calling all photographers
Do you have beautiful photographs of the Preserve’s lands and gardens...
Preserve webinars for our friends who are life-long learners
The Preserve is excited to offer three free webinars...
An inside look at the forest at Little Long Pond
Have you ever wondered what types of forests are at Little Long Pond?
Musings on fertilizers
A guest at the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden recently exclaimed...
New membership benefits you are going to love
Last season we experimented with a new member benefit...
Archives: When horses were part of the work crew
Winter on Mount Desert Island is a time to catch up and look inward.
Planned Giving: Six options for year-end giving
With good reason, the last two months of the year are called the “giving season."
Visitor survey: What you told us
Thank you to all of you who took our visitor survey this season...
Happy holidays from the Preserve
As we head into winter, one of our gardeners...
Setting the Preserve’s Framework priorities
After ten months of analyzing nearly every aspect of the Preserve...
2021 end of season garden schedules
Thank you to all of you who visited our gardens this season...
Remembering and honoring Roc Caivano
What Roc Caivano meant to the Preserve...
More pleasurable hikes thanks to hardworking crews
Our natural lands team has successfully restored...
Giving the caterpillar its wings at Thuya Garden
Many summer visitors come to Thuya garden in hopes of seeing butterflies...
Thuya Lodge docent Ellen Gilmore retires
After 14 years as a Thuya Lodge docent...
It is not too early to start planning for next season
In September those of us who work with annuals and perennials...
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