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End of season garden schedules

Garden staff will soon begin preparing their landscapes for long winter naps. There is still time to enjoy the beauty of the Preserve before (and after) the temperatures fall. 

The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden closed for the season on September 8. We are grateful to have shared another summer filled with the beauty and serenity of this garden. 

Thuya Garden and Lodge remain open until October 14. In the off-season, visitors are welcome to hike the Asticou terraces and wander the woodland paths adjacent to the border gardens.  

The Asticou Azalea Garden was designed to have two peak seasons—spring, with the dazzling display of Rhododendrons and Azaleas, and fall, which is aflame with autumn color during September and October. The staff begins winterizing projects on October 31.  

The carriage roads and trails on our natural lands are open all year round. We are hoping for snowy, cold weather this winter so visitors can skate on the pond and cross-country ski and snowshoe on the carriage roads. 

Katherine Emery Photography

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