The Preserve would not exist without the generosity of so many. Members make donations year after year. Visitors leave gifts in donation boxes at the gardens. Donors make bequests as part of their estate planning. We are grateful to all those who make sure our beautiful lands and gardens will be enjoyed for generations to come.
A financial contribution to the Preserve ensures our ongoing commitment to the stewardship, preservation and care of some of the most beautiful and historic natural lands and gardens in New England.
The majesty of the Abby Rockefeller Garden, the azaleas of Asticou, the summertime flowers of Thuya, the carriage roads and trails around Little Long Pond; we expect these landscapes will always be there when we, or our children, or their children, visit the Preserve. To ensure that they will be, the Preserve relies on the support of the community through annual donations and planned gifts.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You may also:
Donate in memory or honor of family and friends.
Donate gifts of stock.
Include the Preserve in your will.
​Mail your donation to us at PO Box 208, Seal Harbor, ME 04675.
For more information call Kathryn Strand, Development & Communications Director, at 207-276-3727.
The Land & Garden Preserve is a 501(c)(3) public charity, federal identification #23-7102758.